Today was an interesting day to say the least. I'm very tired, so I won't say too much. But just know this was one of my most favorite and least favorite days with lots to learn and take away from this trip. After the typical breakfast, we went to the UEF for culture and language class. Yet again, culture was boring but I learned a lot, today specifically about religion in Vietnam. Language class was somewhat annoying to say the least, but I kinda learned how to count to ten. Kinda.
After class we had a quick lunch and proceeded to the US consulate. I was very surprised about how much I really loved the idea of working as a diplomat. One of the men working at the consulate said that he went to American University but being a chemical engineer is always a better option than going straight for being a diplomat. Chemical engineers: good for everything. The picture below is the of the memorial to commemorate the death of Vietnamese men fighting against Americans in the Fall of Saigon/ Liberation of Saigon.
After he consulate, we walked to the other portion of the American consulate to talk to Vietnamese college aged students. This was by far the most interesting and most fun thing that we have done so far on the trip. I love meeting new people and asking questions and interacting with different cultures. It was really cool to meet people that are my age and doing the same stuff (there was even a chemical engineer- pictured below wearing the glasses). One thing that I took away from the experience is that I am extremely lucky to be in a country and position where I can travel and choose the lifestyle that I wish to pursue. I asked the Vietnamese what their dream job would be if they could be anything they wanted. Most of them said they wanted to travel, have a lot of money, or volunteer. It was humbling and fascinating, and I will cherish the moments spent with these people. I wish them every success and happiness throughout their lives.
After this, we walked back to our hotel and relaxed for a little while and tried on our traditional Vietnamese clothes that were made for us before having our Unofficially Official Girls' Night Out. It was Kate's first time out, and we went to a few shops, drank some awesome peach tea, danced our dance, and eventually ended with some noodles. All in all, ups and downs, it was an alright day, and I love that my Vietnamese dresswear turned out well, which I was worried about.
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